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Located in East Africa, Uganda is a hidden secret. A great transportation system, including excellent roads, is one of the reasons for the rapid growth of the economy. The country has several highways leading from Kampala to various regional border points. In addition to trade, tourism is also an industry that brings additional income to the country. It should be noted that Uganda has its own traffic rules that must be followed while driving to avoid problems such as car accidents and police fines.

Keep Left: First of all, you should know that all drivers drive on the left side of the Pearl of Africa. You must be 18 years of age or older and have a valid driver’s license to be allowed to drive on the road.

Driver’s License: Driving in Uganda or any other country without a valid driving license is strictly prohibited and you risk having your vehicle seized without a valid driving license. For foreigners, a valid international driving license or permit is required to drive on Ugandan roads.

Fasten Your Seat Belt: Always wear your seatbelt and follow traffic rules. This is a precaution to save your life in the event of a serious accident. Therefore, always try to wear your seat belt and encourage all passengers to do the same.

Speed ​​Limit: Over 80% of traffic accidents in Uganda are caused by speeding vehicles, with devastating consequences for many people. Drive wisely and carefully to save your life and money. Always obey speed signs when entering any road. Then you’ll be fine.

Do not drive under the influence: Do not drive if you have been drinking or are under the influence of drugs. This is illegal and the permissible alcohol content is 0.08%. Drunk driving increases the risk of road accidents.

Obey Traffic Signs: And last but not least, always obey traffic signs, from traffic lights to signs. Important traffic signs to look out for when driving in Uganda include traffic lights, stops, speed limits, sharp turns, pedestrian crossings and no parking.

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